1994 Standard Proof Set



1994 Royal Mint Standard Proof Set

This proof set is in it’s original packaging and comes complete with a certificate. It contains eight coins and these include a two pound coin (Bank of England), a one pound coin, a fifty pence coin, a twenty pence coin, a ten pence coin, a five pence coin, a two pence coin and a one pence coin. These are housed in a clear acrylic slab to allow easy viewing from both sides. The set is completed with a Royal Mint Date Stamp Ingot. The set is presented in a hard card outer which is blue in colour.

We are always on the look out for the Royal Mint Proof sets and would be pleased to hear from anyone who has any of this year or other years for sale. We can be contacted by email at info@ukcoinco.com

Additional information

Weight 500 g